Bye bye New Zealand! Hello Australia!

Let's give it another try in English because of the people I meet on my way who can't understand german.

After an exhausting trip back to the north of New Zealand I finally flew to Melbourne in Australia. Here I'm staying with a guy from Couchsurfing and it is as awesome as the last experience with couchsurfing in Auckland.
When I arrived I got a plate full of cookies, pralinés and a slice with homemade lemonade, bread and Omelett in the morning. And guess what, everything simply tastes awesome.
I really enjoyed my stay here and felt home, because he's a very nice guy and we also talked a lot.

Besides Melbourne is a great place to be. Very nice food scene, amazing coffee, beautiful buildings, nice english flair and so many different and individual people. The first 2 days I just walked around the town, organised a few things, enjoyed the atmosphere and met up with a few people I met in New Zealand.
I've also been on a day trip to the great ocean road and the 12 Apostels which was pretty nice.
I couldn't stop myself trying all the sweets before taking a picture... (one is already gone :D)

Today I've been to St. Kilda, it's a suburb of Melbourne and close to the sea. There I just enjoyed the lovely day (the last few days were pretty chilly). Life is good. :-)

Unfortunately I'm going to leave Melbourne tomorrow and head to the capital city Canberra for a night before I'll reach Sydney. There's also a good thing to point out: no more amazing food for me, otherwise I'd take a few more kg with me back home which are not in my backpack...
Have a nice week!


  1. just enjoy the food, u'll have time enough to have good nutrition back home! p.s.: these days I also feel seduced by the cheap and tasty chinese food... so I'm looking forward to a fi&fa in fat reunion in Beijing ;) love u :)

    1. Hahaha, you really made me laugh just now.
      That's good to know, that I'm not the only one. It's gonna be the best fat reunion ever :D
      Love u too :-)


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